sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

first trips, first crash, shower with shoes and more :P

After purchase, did we use the car?
well, my first idea was not to use it to much, because I don't want to burn it before my friends come. But of course it is really cool to have a car here. Our first "excursion" was to akropolis. Elena, Radek, Water, Cristina and me. Five brave people in the old Lada, by the way Elena was more brave than others and as you can see in the pictures she was not afraid of driving the Lada :P
I have also gone to Europos Parkas with Sara, Cristina and Sara's parents. It was, so far, the longest trip of the car.
Other day Marius and I went by Lada on hurry to take some architecture stuff for Marius, we only had 20 minutos to go to the center before they closed the store, so we drove it like Fernando Alonso in a Russian Car (by the way, for sure better than McLaren or Renault)
Today I wen to airport with Czech girls to pick up more Czech girls. Ahoy, Dobri dien, jiek sa mash? :P
I love Czech Republic and their people =)
Sumarizing, I did almost 150 km and the car is still alive...more or less...
ok, once, when I came back home, I decided to park it between a car and a Van, in front of dormitory. Of course I did not want to crash with the Van, so I decided to crash with the car...:P
not to crash, but to go closer...and maybe, somehow...I crashed it a little bit. It was nothing for my car, but these new cars are shit, so I screwed a bit its paint. The worst thing is that the owner of the car was inside. This girl was really pissed of my behavior, and she wanted to call police. Lucky me, she spoke English, so finally she became a normal person and I was able to talk to her, so we filled the insurance papers and everything was great. By the way, that chick was kind of hot...mmmm... :P
So this is the history of how I crash my Lada ;)
Now, shame on me...
see you soon friends =)

ps: this is not about Lada, but I have to tell eveybody that last week Sara had shower without putting off her shoes =)))))))))

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

The purchase (La compra)


Well, as I said one day I started to look for the car, it is really easy, we just went to autogidas.lt and then we did not understand anything :P GOOD BLESS GOOGLE TRANSLATOR =)
Also Marius was an unpayable help to me, because he was making all the calls (even when my Lithuanian is not so bad, I already now how to say "good bye") and also coming with me to see the cars.
There are many cars between 500 and 1000 Lt, after several unsuccesfull calls finally we found one Lada with all papers, without any mechanical problem and with insurance. The owner was supossed to be an old guy, so everything seemed perfect =)
Finally, Stepan, Marius and I went to see that car, It was in the other fucken corner of Vilnius, we toke a trolleybus to Stotis (40 min) and then a bus in Stotis to that Village in the sourrondings of Vilnius (other 40 min). The wife and the son of the old guy were waiting for us in the bus stop with his BMW, he was this kind of chandal guy from Kaunas :P with some gold stuff in his hands and neck and with a huge sound equipment in the car. He was also shaking all the time, so I am not sure if he was not on drugs :P
We arrive to that place and he showed us the car, Stepan and I went also under the car and we were checking how its down looked. Of course they can steal us, but at least we can try to avoid this posibility. We discovered that we has a little oil flowing from transmission, so we told them. The kaunas guy called to his father and they said that if we wanted the car they could fix it.
It was also a little corrosion under the car and I was really afraid of that, so I toke some pictures to ask the expert (Fernando :P). When I sent the pictures he told me that it's not so deep so It is not that big deal.
Next day we called more people, but it was allways the same, I don't have technical inspection, or you gotta fix this or that...bla bla bla...so I decided to buy the first Lada I saw :D
We met the shaking guy again and we did all papers in one hour because there was a place to do it out of Vilnius near his house.
So this is the history of how I bought an old Lada to drugsman, and how Marius and I came back home driving it through the Vilnius...OUR FIRST KILOMETERS =)))))))
By the way, the car is not called Lada but VAZ, but it is the same car with diferent name (things of Russians)...and now after Czech girls suggestion it is called Sofčka.
See you soon


Bien, como dije un día empecé a buscar el coche, fue bastante fácil, simplemente fuimos a www.autogidas.lt y no entendimos nada :P BENDITO GOOGLE TRANSLATOR =)
También Marius fue una ayuda impagable, porque estuvo haciendo las llamadas (aunque mi Lituano no es tan malo, que ya se decir "hasta luego" :P ) y viniendo conmigo a ver coches.
Hay muchísimos coches entre 500 y 1000 Litas, despues de varias llamadas fallidas, finalmente encontramos un Lada con todos los papeles, sin problemas mecánicos y con seguro. El dueño se supone que era un señor mayor, así que todo paracía perfecto =)
Finalmente, Stepan, Mariys y yo fuimos a ver el coche, estaba en la otra punta de Vilnius, cogimos el Trolleybus para ir a Stotis (40 min) y allí un bus hacia aquel pueblo en las afueras de Vilnius (otros 40 min). La mujer y el hijo del dueño estaban esperándonos en la parada del bus con el BMW del chico. Era ese tipo de chandalero de Kaunas :P con oro en las manos y en el cuello y con un equipo de música bestial en el coche (parecía de Móstoles :P). Además estaba temblando todo el tiempo, así que no estoy seguro de si no estaba drogado :P
Llegamos al lugar y nos enseñó el coche, Stepan y yo nos metimos incluso debajo del coche y estuvimos chequeando como estaba por debajo. Por supuesto pueden robarnos, pero al menos intentamos evitar dicha posibilidad. Descubrimos que había un poco de aceite fluyendo desde la transmisión, así que decidimos decírselo. El chico de Kaunas llamó a su padre y dijeron que si queríamos el coche lo arreglarían.
También había un poco de corrosión, y a mi me asustó, así que saqué algunas fotos para consultar con el experto (Fernando :P). Cuando le mandé las fotos me dijo que no era tan profunda, así que no es importante.
Al día siguiente llamamos a más gente, pero era siempre lo mismo. No tengo ITV, tienes que arreglar esto o lo otro...bla bla bla...así que decidí comprar el primer Lada que habíamos visto :D
Quedamos con el chico tembloroso de nuevo e hicimos todos los papeles en una hora, porque había una oficina de tráfico fuera de Vilnius y cerca de su casa.
ASí que esta es la historia de como compré un viejo Lada al hombre drogas, y de como Marius y yo lo condujimos a través de Vilnius de vuelta a casa...NUESTROS PRIMEROS KILÓMETROS =))))))
Por cierto, el coche en realidad no se llama Lada sino VAZ, pero es el mismo coche con diferente nombre (cosas de los Rusos). Y tras la propuesta de las chicas checas, se llama Sofčka
Hasta pronto :D

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Why? How? Who?

Hello friends,
as most of you already now I am planning to go from Vilnius to Madrid in an old Russian Car.
Well, this is one of this kind of things which starts like joke between friends, I don't remember who was the first in suggest that we could do more than 3500 Km in an old Lada, but the fact is that I have heared about time to time during last year.
I told to my friends that we could go by train, but they do not like the idea of a nice hollydays, they preffer going in a Sauna Lada through Europe in the middle of June.
Finally, two weeks ago I received an e-mail from my friends which said. Jaime, we already have bought the flight tickets from Madrid to Riga, so buy the fucken car.
(That day I was planning running away and do not speak them anymore, but finally I decided to start looking for a car)
I am not sure yet, I guess half time in the car, half time pushing it. The plan is going through Poland to Slovakia, then Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, France and Spain but soon I will upload the planned schedule.
of course me, actually I am the craziest of us, because I have seen the car, I have tried it, and I know what is waiting for us...and the worst thing I like it and I am looking forward for it =)
Fernando, you don't know him yet, but we have a lot of faith in him, if something goes wrong for sure he will be able to fix it, and if he is not he will pretend that he is.
Jorge, he is the only without driving licence, but he drove a dumper in a Scotish Village, so he will drive when the others will be drunk like pigs.
Piotr, we are allways kidding him about Poland, but now I am happy that he speaks Polish because if something goes wrong in Poland, after Fernando pretends fixing it we will have to ask for some help.
¿Marcos Porras?, he told me that he is 80% in the trip 20% out, so we are not sure of his participation yet, but it would be great if he can come and help us with his good mood and mechanical skills, just be carefull waking him up :P
¿Elenita?, my neighbour, she is also a little crazy like me and she will go by train through Europe, I hope she will join us after Switzerland.

Well, I have many things to tell but I will try to write it by small chapters, so in next episode you will be able to read about Lada's bought, our first Kms, my first crash and more :P