viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

I can't choose between wifi and kitch =D

Have you ever written a blog drunk???
me neither...but I guess there has to be a first time for everything...and I also guess there is not other way of finishing my vacations.
I didn't want to write about this last part because it will fell like my vacations are over, and I don't like that =(
Anyway, if I had to choose (luckely I don't) one city between Prague, Brno and Lodz, if I had to choose (I repeat, I'm happy I don't have to) one part of my vacations, I wouldn't be able. Really.
Prague was as awesome as I described in other posts, my last day in Prague I visited this fake eiffel tower, I had lunch with Honsa and Celia for last time (chears, you booth are great) and I went to Stepis to pack myself (some people cut themselves, I pack myself). Whatever, I had appointment with Stepan at 17.15 in metro station near Prague's bus station...I got a call from him around 17.05...the instruction was pretty clear...prepare yourself to run =D
After running with all my stuff we were able to be at the bus just in time (Japeness way).
Now I gotta say something, people, Czech Republik is awesome, really, they are 100 years ahead of us. THEY HAVE INTERNET WIFI CONECTION ON BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we arrived in Brno, still amazed by this internet buses, we met Lucie and was so nice to see them again. Lucie is just Lucie, and she gave us a bit of Slivovice (something like half bottle), after that we went on party, I don't know how much I drank that night, but pictures show it pretty well =D

Worth to mention that we also met Buzi, and it was great to see her too =D =D
Girls, you are booth awesome, I hope soon I can see you in Spain and we can try those "spaguetti" ;)
Next day we prepared Spanish omellete for second (and not last) time in our trip =D =D =D
After an awesome lunch we visited Brno, you know what??? they have bells in the cathedral, and you know what??? you can stand under the bell, and you know what??? they ring every hour...and you know what??? if you are stupid enough, and of course I am, you can get deaf :P
This day I had dinner at Stepan's place with his family, it was also great, they were so nice!!!!!!!! His mother speaks french, so we could somehow comunicate, his father speaks German, so we could say the numbers untill 3 :P and his granma...ohhhhhh...this was amazing.
Stepan, let me describe her, she is around 80 years old, and she is blody clever, she has a gift for languages or something...she speaks English really well. She told me she was rised in Bratislava, she also told me that her father was from Germany and her mother from CR, she said she had not spoken english for 30 years, however she was able to use past perfect much better than I am...really, when I grow up I wanna be like her =)
Also worth to mention Stepan's turtle, it is already too big for it's house...I had the same problem with mine, they never stop growing...fucking turtles!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Next day trip to Lodz with small stop in small village called something like Katowice ;) (this one is for you Dani) ;)

(break, I am at the dinner room and my small sister just arrived drank like pig, at 1.14...mmmm...this reminds me one story they told me in the bar, but it's gonna be story for another day)

Where was I????
oooooooohhhhhhhh...yes, in the train from Katowice to Lodz, we met a girl from Lodz, she was on erasmus in Bratislava, and I must say something. She was so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! She said she had some spanish friends, so Stepan decided to teach her the word Lefa...she also taught me how to say dobry veitur (something like that means good night in polish language)
Co to Kurwa jest?!??!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!?????
I remember when I arrived in Lodz, I saw Magda and Dani and it words to describe...why didn't I meet you before Magda???? and why didn't we go more on party together during erasmus Dani???? (Dani is my perfect match in dancing, really...she knows why ;) )
For me the first night in Lodz was the best, we went on party to a great pub with live music, and you know what??? noone was dancing before we decided to start dancing (or something similar to dancing) in front of the singer. After 15 minutes it was full of people, including a pink weird girl who tried to keep the attention to her =D =D (maybe I'm making up this pink color, but she was kinda kitch)
Talking about kitch, we had KITCH BAD TASTE party next is also difficult to describe, I preffer showing some pictures :P

The day of the party was also a cool journey, Lodz has really nice shoping center in an old industrial area, it reminds me Tampere but this Lodz is better =D =D
Much better if you take into account that they give you blue ray for free if you buy 10 bottles of vodka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kitch party was great, some people felt in love with toilet, some people danced all the night, some people drank all the night...and in summary everybody had fun all the night long =D =D
I attach a video of a weird competition between Czech Polish...and...yes, Spanish can also drink Vodka...

(Note, I'm only writting and talking about lots of attachments, I hope I'll have time to make it true :P)
(Note2: I couldn't attach the video, it's too heavy and I don't wanna fight with it)

After party I discovered something which scares me...I LIKE WASHING UP AND CLEANING!!!!!!!!
btw, we also cooked tortilla de patatas in Lodz (the last but not least :P)

last day in Lodz, it starts with Stepan missing his train (good job ;) )
then, Stepan takes another train
then more sightseeing
then I showed my amazing skills in pool
then more sightseeing
we took nice pictures
and we saw a great movie, Rock and Rolla, really good one. Difficult to understand this blody British english bro, without subtitles...but really good movie. I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!

ohhhhhhhhh, this post is getting too long, but I have so many things to tell!!!!! I feel like I'm forgetting so much..............
I'll try to summarize the last last last day of vacations, coming back to this small village called Katowice with this small girl called Danielita, the train journey was short because we were talking all the time, sotimes in spanish, sometimes in english, sometimes in spanglish, sometimes in to jest!!!!!!!!!!?????????
Then I was at Danielita's place, her family was also really friendly, they gave me a nice food and they made me feel like at home...aciu =D =D
The best thing at Danielita's place???? The pictures!!!!!!!!!
Really, she showed me old pictures and she has changed soooooooo much!!!!!
I couldn't stop watching those the beginning I asked, ok, this is is your high school friends, but...where are you???? and you know what??? she was in the picture...jajajajaja

Last part of my vacations???? airport =( airport, plane, headache...and I am at home again =( =( =(

I know this looks like I'm just saying good things that I'm supposed to say all the time, but I really feel it like that, you guys made my vacations one of the best vacations ever, so just want to finish with a thank you Honsa (I told you, I wanna be like you) , than you Celia (intenta ver el lado bueno de lo que tienes y te deseo lo mejor en Praga porque te lo mereces, tb quiero ser como tú), than you Radek(I forgot giving you lomo, so I owe you one =( ), thank you Lucie (you are so awesome!!!!! I see you and I just want to hug you all the time =D =D never change :P), thank you Petr (thanks for taking good care of us and as I said...we gotta go to Santiago Bernabeu together!!!!!!!!! maybe to Real Madrid - Atlético to see Ujfalusi :P), thank you Buzi (it was great to see you again, I hope we can see you soon and remember all this great erasmus parties such as Czech easter), thank you Danielita (I mentioned you several times in the post, even sometimes a bit hiden :P thanks, really, this trip would had not been possible without you), than you Magdita(Ropuchitaaaaaaa, the trip started because of you, because of your birthday...I don't know, I don't have words to say how great has been meeting you and how great you treated us at your place...sure we're gonna see each other soon in Spain with Danielita and I can give you back the favour with some 100000 liters of sangria...=D...PIEROGUIIIIIII)...mmmmmmmmmm...and thank thank thank thank you very very very very much Stepan for following me in this crazy thing, you are...just you...really, I'm so happy this day you came to my room asking if I knew how to set up internet conection, I'm so happy I invited you to have dinner with us...this definitely changed not only my vacations but my whole life...I don't say this too often (more or less never) but I wanna tell you that I love you dude =D =D

Oki, enough for tonight
I'm gonna sleep
see you soon mates, remember...we'll always have Paris ;)


miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

still loving Prague =D

well, now I have not 10 but 100 reasons. It's a pity I have not enough time to write it all because in 23 minutes I'm going to Brno to party with Lucie and Bozie =D =D
everything is being fast, as allways on vacations, but it is as great as fast =D =D
After Brno we're gonna go to Silesia to meet stepan family and then we're going to Poland to party with Magie and Danielita =) =) =)
I think this is the best trip ever, Prague is great, Czech beer couldn't be better, we had time to party, to visit, to get drunk, to make dinner with friends...EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
and only in one week. I don't have much time, but in following posts I'm gonna tell the story of how stepan almost drove to brno to get to his place in chodov and the story of how we ended up huging each other during night in order not to fall down ;) (I'm sorry Stepi)
So far, only a picture of Prague castle
c u soon

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

I love CR

Eventhough I know you all fuckers are not reading my blog, I'm gonna keep updating it ;)
(yes, this message is for you Stepan)

I'm on vacation again, it looks like I'm allways on vacation :P
I decided to come to Prague to spend some days here with my Czech friends and later on we're planning to go to Poland to spend also a weekend with our Polish friends. For me this vacation have started in a really great way. I was real angry the day before getting those vacations and now it seems everything is gone =D =D
I arrived in Prague, and since the very first moment I felt in love (again) with this city. It smeels like east of Europe (ok, Stepan, middle Europe, whatever), for me it smells like Vilnius. I don't know, it just brings so many things to my head...I love it. I so wanna live somewhere here, so I think I'm gonna tell 10 reasons why I would live in CR.

1. As I said, it smeels like erasmus
2. People are crazy, really
3. I like Czech language, I like the pronuntiation, I love the wide ammount of words you have to say dick, pico and stuff like that :P
4. Potatoe omellete tastes better if you call it brambori omellete
5. I have many friends here, so for sure we could make some crazy parties (might be dangerous, so don't allow us cooking while drunk :P)
6. I'm in love with labas vakaras and I'd be closer to her
7. just becaue
8. I like fresh air in the face, I like this feeling (even when it's too fresh) :P
9. I rather to be called chaime than jaime
10. you have restaurants with trains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now a small explanation, yesterday we went on party, we had dinner at a great czech place where I ordered more than 1Kg of meet, only for me!!!!!AMAZING. Before that we were in a pub where you order a beer and they bring it in this small electric trains, you have a railway all along the pub and it reaches the tables, so it's great...I think it couples every guy dreams...Cold beer and toy trains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.
Then we went on party to this disco which is built in a church, it was weird, but fun. We met Asta there, and that was a really nice surprice...well, maybe not surprise, cuz we knew she was there, but it was nice anyway.
In this church disco there were several plants. The disco plant, then a valconi from where you could see the disco, then a "making out" plant (it was really like that, dark...couples...)
And finally this salsa plant, it was full of these guys who really know how to dance, and lucky them we were just nor drunk enough to compite with them...otherwise of course I'd had showed them how to dance =D =D =D
Finally we decided to go to typical Czech pub, with rock music. It was cool, I liked it more than the making out disco church.
Today Stepan and I cooked brambori omelletes, it was pretty fun because I screwed it up a little and we made terrible mess (cleaning it wasn't that fun). However, we somehow succeded with the omelletes and now we can eat omellete for a week...(yes, I have problem with measurements)

As I told you, honsa, when I grow up I so wanna be like you =D =D =D

c u soon people =D

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

India: one good point one bad point

Where to start??? Difficult decision...this trip is being so....unique.

I'm in India doing some bussiness, I came here with my two bosses to meet my indian collegue who works in our office in India. the purpose of our visit was having some meetings with the guys we're working for (and whose name I cannot say :P) and to visit two future locations for csp plants so that we can give our opinion about the land they've bought and check on site whether our asumptions about meteorology seem to be correct.

First two days we stayed in Dheli, I had not had finished my solar resource study yet, so I spent two nights working and two days in meetings. I was so damn tired that I couldn't enjoy at all the fact of being somewhere abroad. Worth to mention that our flight was delayed and it took almost 24 hours to get here.

Anyway there were already some surprises, for instance, when I firslty arrived in India there was a taxi waiting for us at the airport...mmmmmmmmmmmm
After five minutes I though this guy was totally out of his mind, after 6 minutes I though it was the whole country. If you've not been in India you don't have any idea about what's crazy driving, really. There are not lanes for them, they don't give a shit whether they can knock someone down. If there is risk they just use the claxon and that's's like a disguise...
-All right mate, I knocked you down, I killed you, but I pushed the claxon so everything is fine.
Really, I was so afraid everytime we had to take a car, it is a big mess everywhere.

One bad thing and one good. The hotel was comfortable, really, not big luxury but comfortable, the bed was great, it was so big that I could sleep with my head in one side of the bed and my feet didn't tresspase the other side (by side I mean left and right side, of course not top and bottom)

The stuff here is nice, they take care of every single detail, so that could be a positive point, but somehow I don't like it. I mean, first day in hotel I was walking through the hall and two guys where talking, as I passed they stood up as if I were the king or something. When we have meetings guys come all the time to serve things, that's they job and it's great, but the way how some people treat them I don't like it. I don't know, I have the feeling that somehow they're not treated as equals, and that's not what I'm used to. Someone can work for me like witer, or cleaning or whatever, but this does not make me better than this person and I owe them a respect. I don't know, I understand what I mean, but maybe I'm not making my point. Whatever, since I don't like it, everytime when we arrive in a new hotel I take my bags and I say I can carry them by myself.

The food, I like trying new things and that's great. On the other hand, I'm not having dinner tonight because I got sick...too much spicy I guess.
Everytime I ask for something not spicy they say...ok, this is not spicy...LOS COJONES!!!! then it's spicy anyway. Everything here is spicy, even breakfast!!!
So, one good point one bad point :P

I've got a doubt and I asked my Indian collegue today. He is great by the way, he answer all my stupid questions (and I have a lot)
well, to the point, cows here have hump (as camels), and since there are lots of camels too I though...It might be that a beautifull cow in the past, found some handsome camel...and you know...they felt in love...nature made its job...and voila...Cows with hump =D =D
Don't you think so????
My friend does not think so. To be fair, at the beginning I was afraid of asking because cow is a sacred animal for them, but then I though, what a fuck, cows also matter whether it's with camels or bulls. So I decided to ask =D
Two positive points, one for my friend and one for Cowmels :P

Do you know that Indians have many many gods??? They do. Have you ever seen a god with elephant head??? I know the story and I'm telling it.
The guy used to live with his mother, he had never met his father. I guess the father was a god who didn't like responsibility ;). Once, his mother was gonna have shower and told him to watch out so that nobody come to disturb her. Suddenly his father came to visit his mother (they didn't know each other), and of course he didn't let him in. The father was so angry that he cutted his head with his sword. When the mother found out she got angry too (I've seen some girls angry, imagine a girl god...It gotta be like hell)...well, she got angry and told the father. WHAT DID YOU DO??? THIS IS YOUR SOON!!!! YOU ARE GOING AND GIVING ME BACK A HEAD FOR MY SOON!!!!RIGHT NOW!!! AND TAKE SOMETHING IN THE SUPERMARKET TO HAVE DINNER BY THE WAY!!!!!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!! (Note that the supermarket part I made it up, but it sounds more familiar like this).
Then the father went to the jungle, he killed an elephant, cutted his head, and after he came by the supermarket he arrived in home with the head of the elephant. They put it on his soon shoulders (I guess they used industrial glue) and now they live all as a happy family =D =D =D =D =D

After Dheli we took some flights to the sites (it's gonna be 9 flights for me this week) and we started discovering the other India, the one of the villages without electricity, without water... This is sad, it's a bad point, even Mumbay which is huge city is full of slams. Then 2 bad points =(
Yesterday we ate in the field, it was great, spicy but great. Anyway, we didn't like the site much because there is too much water. Of course this is good for the refrigeration of the turbine, if you dig 1.5 meter you have water...but also when you dig to put your foundations (and it's gonna be much more than 1.5 meters) you'll get water. (It seems to me that they don't wanna hear it, but anyway we said our opinion).

It was also funny that they said.
-This is a natural stream and the water is sweet so we can use it also for cleaning.
You know how I am, so yes, I did something stupid. I TRIED THE WATER
And you know what??? It was salty like hell. I said so and they said...
-No no no no, it is not salty.
After that I tried it again...Now I'm wondering whether that could be the reason of my stomach problems.
-It is salty.
Finally, a guy who came with us and claims to be an expert in water (sure he is, I'm not making fun of him...well, only a bit :P) tried it and said.
-It is salty.
Then everybody believed so.
I have some thoughs. I agreed with a water expert, does it make me a water expert too??? Is it neccesary to have a water expert to say if a water is salty or not??? Was the water salty before the water expert tried it??? Is the elephant god involved in the water mistery???
Well, I gotta go, they called me twice to go downstairs to reception and I don't understand what they want..

I'll add some pic later (already added), I hope u guys enjoy this one.


domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

this one is for you Alfonso ;)

Hi there again =D =D =D

today I'm not gonna tell any story, for first time I'm writting just because I'm kinda bored and I feel like doing it. It's funny, last week I worked around 12 hours everyday, yesterday (Saturday) I worked too, today the same...I'm f****n tired, but you know, when you spend so many hours in the office eventhough you need to rest you want to do something so that you feel you didn't waste your day. This week I've watched a couple of movies, I came back to my favourite tv series, I played football and I even had time to have dinner with friends, and today, today I'm gonna have blog's night :P :P

Now I remember when I was...15???...something like that...well, we had parties in our village and I was near the crashing cars park (lets call it like that, I don't know how to say it in english so I will add a picture).

Suddenly Alfonso stoped his car and told me come here, I run to do so and some other car knocked me down...this is the first time I remember doing something with Alfonso. In the following years we have lived many things together, most of them as stupid and crazy as this knock down story. Now Alfonso lives in Slovenia, dude, I envy you so much...I want to be on erasmus with you there...whatever, I'm sure you're gonna rock it, and as I know you like my blog and you follow it I want to say that I also love read it and it is just you =) =) =)

This year I have three friends on Erasmus...well, sure I have more, Asta for instance, but I mean I have three friends from my village. Fer, Hugo and looks like we're gonna have to travel =S what a shame...
looking on the bright side, I might live some stories to write here :P :P :P

C u soon friends =D

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Sparklin wine

Is there anyone???? Can you hear me??? This is great thing about blogs, maybe nobody will read this, but you can write it as if you had millions of readers. I think the point of blogs is to have a space where you can write whatever you want, I used to write for myself when I was younger, I have also writen to or about some other people, but this is different, and somehow I like it, in addition I can practice my english, so I think I'll keep updating this blog time to time.

I'm gonna tell you a funny story, before Camino de Santiago I was in Milan with some friends. Stepan showed us how to open a wine bottle with his shoe (picture attached). The first night he succeded doing it...but the second night...well, we didn't know it by that time but we had bought by mistake a bottle of sparkling wine. As you can imagine the top of this bottle is fixed much better, it is much stronger so that you does not open it by accident.
I wanted to try his opener shoe so we went to the street to try it. I was 15 minutes hiting the bottle against the wall and nothing happened, I felt like an asshole, so Stepan tried it...nothing...we kept hiting it like hell during half an hour. After that we came back to the hostel ashamed of our failure. There was this black guy in the reception, so I asked him if he had some opener, and he He was on fb and he didn't appear to be interested in helping us, but I tried to explain him..
-You know, we wanted to open this, and we have a special style, we know this trick to open it with a shoe...but it does not work today. Could you give us at least a knife to open it???
He came with us to the restaurant of the hostel and he discovered an opener, so he gave me...
-Cool, thanks so much dude...
I said so while opening the bottle, one turn, two...I pull the top and.................................................................................................................................................................................................

I had never seen such a huge wine kidding, at least 1 meter high...the bottle was on the bar and there was a lot of stuff there, so I said...
and I tried to solve it, how??? puting my finger on the bottle hole...HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
I was spreading the wine on the walls, on the floor, on the tablecloths (the tables were already prepared for the next breakfast).
From that moment the guy didn't say any single word, we were so ashamed, you know, it was just awkward...
We said sorry like 5 or 6 times.
He started washing up all the dishes (I spread also wine on the dishes) and we tried to clean everything with napkins. When we finished I gave him this table cloth totally red and wet of wine...I didn't know what to say, so I told him...
-you know, if I were you I'd put salt on it, it is easier to clean it if you do so.
He didn't say a word, he was just starring at my eyes, so I added...
-My mother does it all the time when I spread wine on some clothes.
I think if that guy didn't kill me that night I will have a long life for sure =D =D
Then Stepan and I said sorry again and good, when I remember it, I'm almost laughing, but that moment was so awkward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the point, if two stupid guys ruin your night with a wine fountain, just try to be nice, it is much better laughing with them than being angry...afterall the mess is not gonna dissapear, no matter how angry you get =D =D
To that guy, if you read this...sorry dude, I didn't mean it, we didn't know it was sparkling wine...=S...and BE HAPPY MY FRIEND, EVERYTHING SEEMS BETTER WITH A SMILE IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More things about my life...well, I've been traveling a bit lately, and I've met many new people. I was in France and it was great, the firm I work for did this party and I was telling jokes (even in english) was so much fun =) =) =)
About this, I was a bit concerned because I think people does not take you serious when you are playing stupid all the time...after thinking on it a little bit I arrived to a conclusion...
I hope people will never take me serious, LIFE IS GREAT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!

Well, enough shit for today...see you in next stories!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaimito =D =D =D

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

day 7 + day 8

Hello again =D
truth is I didn't fill my notebook last two days, so I'll write it now, it's not the same but I need to finish this trip =D =D

When we finished day 6 I though the hard job was already done, mistake again, this looks like trip of mistakes :P
The worst part was still waiting for us, there were no more mountains, but Galicia is a mountain in itself, so all the time you need to go up and down, you have not finished going down and you are alredy going up again. We wanted the last day to be easy in order to have some time and strenght to see the city of Santiago, so we decided to cover more distance on day 7. It was really tough again, you know, for me it was like if km didn't pass...maybe I was already too tired, I don't know. The good thing is that when you go down in the forest, with stones and rocks everywhere it is really fun, dangerous and fun. From this point of view Pablo is much more crazy than I am, I've allways been a bit chicken, so sometimes when I saw that my bike spent more time in the air than on the ground I decided to slow down and Pablo had to wait for me. Anyhow it was damn fun. Once, one guy was following us, I was going down as fast as I could, I was leading the group and behind the turn there was a river with this small bridge made with stones, when i saw it I braked down and shauted CUIDADOOOOOOO...Pablo braked on time and the guy too, but you know, he was this close |---| to get into the river...I have to say that my evil side hoped it so much...jajajaja.
This day we had lunch watching F1 (Fernando Alonso didn't brake on time :P) and we finished with a lot of effort the 80 Km we had planned. Then we watched football match (Real Madrid didn't succed neither) and slept the whole night long with Santiago waiting just 36 Km ahead of us.
Well, now I remember something which happened on day's 5 night, we slept in hostel with a family, it was like 10 beds room and there was this whole noisy Spanish family. We went to bed around 8:30pm because we were really tired, they did so around 11. Well, they woke me up before at 9 because they needed to take some stuff before having dinner. Then, at 11 they came there, switched on the light and prepared themselves to sleep. By prepare themselves I mean that they went to toilet and when the first came back he said...I made the biggest shit ever...then every one who came from the toilet was shauting about the horrible smell of that guy's shit...Afterthat, before sleeping, they decided to tell some jokes, I was so pissed I told them shut up...but I think they didn't give a fuck because they continued laughing...
do you know the best part??? next morning they were talking about snoring or something and the oldest of them asked me...did you sleep well tonight??? I gotta be kiding me...I just so
summary, I don't like Spanish people, I mean, in all hostels they were noisy and not educated people, foreigners (there were lots of germans) were much more kind.

I continue in the last day, this day we woke up after some other noisy Spanish night (these were people with education but still noisy), had breakfast and continued our way to Santiago, it was really close, but you know, when you are so close to the end every Km feels like 100...I don't know if you have had this feeling some time, but I felt it like that. There were many slopes too, but I managed to take some pictures.

This is one hórreo, typical construction in Galicia. It is meant to store food, they build it in high so that mouses and other animals can't take the food.

This is monte do gozo, from this mountain you can see Santiago's cathedral, they say that pilgrims used to cry here after 1 month walking to Santiago (average time to cover the whole way walking). Nowadays you cannot see it because the city is much bigger =(

I had this document and in everyhostel they give you a stamp, so that when you arrive in Santiago you can prove you are pilgrim and they give you something like diploma which says that you've done it, they ask about your reason to make the trip and they only give you the "diploma" in case you have religion motivations to make it, that wasn't my reason, but you know...I wanted the diploma, so I finished my vacations with a small lie =( =(
This last day we took our bus at 9:30pm and I slept all the night, to be honest beers helped as they did with this bus from Riga to Vilnius on my bday. My advice, people, travelling by bus is boring, but if you are a bit drunk it's not that boring :P
This is Santiago Cathedral, the end of my trip...I hope you liked what I wrote, thank you very much for reading me and hopefully soon I'll have some new adventure to tell...maybe camino de santiago walking??????