domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

India: one good point one bad point

Where to start??? Difficult decision...this trip is being so....unique.

I'm in India doing some bussiness, I came here with my two bosses to meet my indian collegue who works in our office in India. the purpose of our visit was having some meetings with the guys we're working for (and whose name I cannot say :P) and to visit two future locations for csp plants so that we can give our opinion about the land they've bought and check on site whether our asumptions about meteorology seem to be correct.

First two days we stayed in Dheli, I had not had finished my solar resource study yet, so I spent two nights working and two days in meetings. I was so damn tired that I couldn't enjoy at all the fact of being somewhere abroad. Worth to mention that our flight was delayed and it took almost 24 hours to get here.

Anyway there were already some surprises, for instance, when I firslty arrived in India there was a taxi waiting for us at the airport...mmmmmmmmmmmm
After five minutes I though this guy was totally out of his mind, after 6 minutes I though it was the whole country. If you've not been in India you don't have any idea about what's crazy driving, really. There are not lanes for them, they don't give a shit whether they can knock someone down. If there is risk they just use the claxon and that's's like a disguise...
-All right mate, I knocked you down, I killed you, but I pushed the claxon so everything is fine.
Really, I was so afraid everytime we had to take a car, it is a big mess everywhere.

One bad thing and one good. The hotel was comfortable, really, not big luxury but comfortable, the bed was great, it was so big that I could sleep with my head in one side of the bed and my feet didn't tresspase the other side (by side I mean left and right side, of course not top and bottom)

The stuff here is nice, they take care of every single detail, so that could be a positive point, but somehow I don't like it. I mean, first day in hotel I was walking through the hall and two guys where talking, as I passed they stood up as if I were the king or something. When we have meetings guys come all the time to serve things, that's they job and it's great, but the way how some people treat them I don't like it. I don't know, I have the feeling that somehow they're not treated as equals, and that's not what I'm used to. Someone can work for me like witer, or cleaning or whatever, but this does not make me better than this person and I owe them a respect. I don't know, I understand what I mean, but maybe I'm not making my point. Whatever, since I don't like it, everytime when we arrive in a new hotel I take my bags and I say I can carry them by myself.

The food, I like trying new things and that's great. On the other hand, I'm not having dinner tonight because I got sick...too much spicy I guess.
Everytime I ask for something not spicy they say...ok, this is not spicy...LOS COJONES!!!! then it's spicy anyway. Everything here is spicy, even breakfast!!!
So, one good point one bad point :P

I've got a doubt and I asked my Indian collegue today. He is great by the way, he answer all my stupid questions (and I have a lot)
well, to the point, cows here have hump (as camels), and since there are lots of camels too I though...It might be that a beautifull cow in the past, found some handsome camel...and you know...they felt in love...nature made its job...and voila...Cows with hump =D =D
Don't you think so????
My friend does not think so. To be fair, at the beginning I was afraid of asking because cow is a sacred animal for them, but then I though, what a fuck, cows also matter whether it's with camels or bulls. So I decided to ask =D
Two positive points, one for my friend and one for Cowmels :P

Do you know that Indians have many many gods??? They do. Have you ever seen a god with elephant head??? I know the story and I'm telling it.
The guy used to live with his mother, he had never met his father. I guess the father was a god who didn't like responsibility ;). Once, his mother was gonna have shower and told him to watch out so that nobody come to disturb her. Suddenly his father came to visit his mother (they didn't know each other), and of course he didn't let him in. The father was so angry that he cutted his head with his sword. When the mother found out she got angry too (I've seen some girls angry, imagine a girl god...It gotta be like hell)...well, she got angry and told the father. WHAT DID YOU DO??? THIS IS YOUR SOON!!!! YOU ARE GOING AND GIVING ME BACK A HEAD FOR MY SOON!!!!RIGHT NOW!!! AND TAKE SOMETHING IN THE SUPERMARKET TO HAVE DINNER BY THE WAY!!!!!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!! (Note that the supermarket part I made it up, but it sounds more familiar like this).
Then the father went to the jungle, he killed an elephant, cutted his head, and after he came by the supermarket he arrived in home with the head of the elephant. They put it on his soon shoulders (I guess they used industrial glue) and now they live all as a happy family =D =D =D =D =D

After Dheli we took some flights to the sites (it's gonna be 9 flights for me this week) and we started discovering the other India, the one of the villages without electricity, without water... This is sad, it's a bad point, even Mumbay which is huge city is full of slams. Then 2 bad points =(
Yesterday we ate in the field, it was great, spicy but great. Anyway, we didn't like the site much because there is too much water. Of course this is good for the refrigeration of the turbine, if you dig 1.5 meter you have water...but also when you dig to put your foundations (and it's gonna be much more than 1.5 meters) you'll get water. (It seems to me that they don't wanna hear it, but anyway we said our opinion).

It was also funny that they said.
-This is a natural stream and the water is sweet so we can use it also for cleaning.
You know how I am, so yes, I did something stupid. I TRIED THE WATER
And you know what??? It was salty like hell. I said so and they said...
-No no no no, it is not salty.
After that I tried it again...Now I'm wondering whether that could be the reason of my stomach problems.
-It is salty.
Finally, a guy who came with us and claims to be an expert in water (sure he is, I'm not making fun of him...well, only a bit :P) tried it and said.
-It is salty.
Then everybody believed so.
I have some thoughs. I agreed with a water expert, does it make me a water expert too??? Is it neccesary to have a water expert to say if a water is salty or not??? Was the water salty before the water expert tried it??? Is the elephant god involved in the water mistery???
Well, I gotta go, they called me twice to go downstairs to reception and I don't understand what they want..

I'll add some pic later (already added), I hope u guys enjoy this one.


4 comentarios:

  1. Jaime in India!!
    I didn´t know that! dude, you are always doing weird things... when you will get Dharma island?

    I like your trip!

  2. next year Desmond, next year ;) ;)

  3. cows with humps?! No idea what you drank but sure it was too much :D:D

  4. I'm gonna show u pics danielita ;)
    and whatever I drunk, it was spicy fir sure :P
