domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Sparklin wine

Is there anyone???? Can you hear me??? This is great thing about blogs, maybe nobody will read this, but you can write it as if you had millions of readers. I think the point of blogs is to have a space where you can write whatever you want, I used to write for myself when I was younger, I have also writen to or about some other people, but this is different, and somehow I like it, in addition I can practice my english, so I think I'll keep updating this blog time to time.

I'm gonna tell you a funny story, before Camino de Santiago I was in Milan with some friends. Stepan showed us how to open a wine bottle with his shoe (picture attached). The first night he succeded doing it...but the second night...well, we didn't know it by that time but we had bought by mistake a bottle of sparkling wine. As you can imagine the top of this bottle is fixed much better, it is much stronger so that you does not open it by accident.
I wanted to try his opener shoe so we went to the street to try it. I was 15 minutes hiting the bottle against the wall and nothing happened, I felt like an asshole, so Stepan tried it...nothing...we kept hiting it like hell during half an hour. After that we came back to the hostel ashamed of our failure. There was this black guy in the reception, so I asked him if he had some opener, and he He was on fb and he didn't appear to be interested in helping us, but I tried to explain him..
-You know, we wanted to open this, and we have a special style, we know this trick to open it with a shoe...but it does not work today. Could you give us at least a knife to open it???
He came with us to the restaurant of the hostel and he discovered an opener, so he gave me...
-Cool, thanks so much dude...
I said so while opening the bottle, one turn, two...I pull the top and.................................................................................................................................................................................................

I had never seen such a huge wine kidding, at least 1 meter high...the bottle was on the bar and there was a lot of stuff there, so I said...
and I tried to solve it, how??? puting my finger on the bottle hole...HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
I was spreading the wine on the walls, on the floor, on the tablecloths (the tables were already prepared for the next breakfast).
From that moment the guy didn't say any single word, we were so ashamed, you know, it was just awkward...
We said sorry like 5 or 6 times.
He started washing up all the dishes (I spread also wine on the dishes) and we tried to clean everything with napkins. When we finished I gave him this table cloth totally red and wet of wine...I didn't know what to say, so I told him...
-you know, if I were you I'd put salt on it, it is easier to clean it if you do so.
He didn't say a word, he was just starring at my eyes, so I added...
-My mother does it all the time when I spread wine on some clothes.
I think if that guy didn't kill me that night I will have a long life for sure =D =D
Then Stepan and I said sorry again and good, when I remember it, I'm almost laughing, but that moment was so awkward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the point, if two stupid guys ruin your night with a wine fountain, just try to be nice, it is much better laughing with them than being angry...afterall the mess is not gonna dissapear, no matter how angry you get =D =D
To that guy, if you read this...sorry dude, I didn't mean it, we didn't know it was sparkling wine...=S...and BE HAPPY MY FRIEND, EVERYTHING SEEMS BETTER WITH A SMILE IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More things about my life...well, I've been traveling a bit lately, and I've met many new people. I was in France and it was great, the firm I work for did this party and I was telling jokes (even in english) was so much fun =) =) =)
About this, I was a bit concerned because I think people does not take you serious when you are playing stupid all the time...after thinking on it a little bit I arrived to a conclusion...
I hope people will never take me serious, LIFE IS GREAT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!

Well, enough shit for today...see you in next stories!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaimito =D =D =D

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