martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

day 7 + day 8

Hello again =D
truth is I didn't fill my notebook last two days, so I'll write it now, it's not the same but I need to finish this trip =D =D

When we finished day 6 I though the hard job was already done, mistake again, this looks like trip of mistakes :P
The worst part was still waiting for us, there were no more mountains, but Galicia is a mountain in itself, so all the time you need to go up and down, you have not finished going down and you are alredy going up again. We wanted the last day to be easy in order to have some time and strenght to see the city of Santiago, so we decided to cover more distance on day 7. It was really tough again, you know, for me it was like if km didn't pass...maybe I was already too tired, I don't know. The good thing is that when you go down in the forest, with stones and rocks everywhere it is really fun, dangerous and fun. From this point of view Pablo is much more crazy than I am, I've allways been a bit chicken, so sometimes when I saw that my bike spent more time in the air than on the ground I decided to slow down and Pablo had to wait for me. Anyhow it was damn fun. Once, one guy was following us, I was going down as fast as I could, I was leading the group and behind the turn there was a river with this small bridge made with stones, when i saw it I braked down and shauted CUIDADOOOOOOO...Pablo braked on time and the guy too, but you know, he was this close |---| to get into the river...I have to say that my evil side hoped it so much...jajajaja.
This day we had lunch watching F1 (Fernando Alonso didn't brake on time :P) and we finished with a lot of effort the 80 Km we had planned. Then we watched football match (Real Madrid didn't succed neither) and slept the whole night long with Santiago waiting just 36 Km ahead of us.
Well, now I remember something which happened on day's 5 night, we slept in hostel with a family, it was like 10 beds room and there was this whole noisy Spanish family. We went to bed around 8:30pm because we were really tired, they did so around 11. Well, they woke me up before at 9 because they needed to take some stuff before having dinner. Then, at 11 they came there, switched on the light and prepared themselves to sleep. By prepare themselves I mean that they went to toilet and when the first came back he said...I made the biggest shit ever...then every one who came from the toilet was shauting about the horrible smell of that guy's shit...Afterthat, before sleeping, they decided to tell some jokes, I was so pissed I told them shut up...but I think they didn't give a fuck because they continued laughing...
do you know the best part??? next morning they were talking about snoring or something and the oldest of them asked me...did you sleep well tonight??? I gotta be kiding me...I just so
summary, I don't like Spanish people, I mean, in all hostels they were noisy and not educated people, foreigners (there were lots of germans) were much more kind.

I continue in the last day, this day we woke up after some other noisy Spanish night (these were people with education but still noisy), had breakfast and continued our way to Santiago, it was really close, but you know, when you are so close to the end every Km feels like 100...I don't know if you have had this feeling some time, but I felt it like that. There were many slopes too, but I managed to take some pictures.

This is one hórreo, typical construction in Galicia. It is meant to store food, they build it in high so that mouses and other animals can't take the food.

This is monte do gozo, from this mountain you can see Santiago's cathedral, they say that pilgrims used to cry here after 1 month walking to Santiago (average time to cover the whole way walking). Nowadays you cannot see it because the city is much bigger =(

I had this document and in everyhostel they give you a stamp, so that when you arrive in Santiago you can prove you are pilgrim and they give you something like diploma which says that you've done it, they ask about your reason to make the trip and they only give you the "diploma" in case you have religion motivations to make it, that wasn't my reason, but you know...I wanted the diploma, so I finished my vacations with a small lie =( =(
This last day we took our bus at 9:30pm and I slept all the night, to be honest beers helped as they did with this bus from Riga to Vilnius on my bday. My advice, people, travelling by bus is boring, but if you are a bit drunk it's not that boring :P
This is Santiago Cathedral, the end of my trip...I hope you liked what I wrote, thank you very much for reading me and hopefully soon I'll have some new adventure to tell...maybe camino de santiago walking??????

2 comentarios:

  1. I prefer running,... you know me... :) see you in 2011 there!!!


  2. ok, then you can do it running and you'll wait for me in jejejejeje
    Alfonsooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be at your barbaque, and it's gonna be legen-------wait for it---------dary!!!!!!!!!
