viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

END =)

well, i'll start from the begining, after other great Polish diner we decided to depart to the beach in the south of France. By the way, before Jorge's departure we painted the car, I attach some pictures. During our trip by France something sounded like pummmmmmmmmmmm
Fer: I don't have oil pressure.
oooo we stopped and the car did not run anymore. The oil bomb did not turn, neither the fuel bomb and the delco, so the engine was death =(
we were in a private highway in France and we had to put the car out of there, at the beginning I though about runing but maybe Marius could have some problems, so we paid a wrecker and we left our lovely car in a scrapyard =(
Then we toke a train to Avignon where we slept in a park...again...jajajaja
It was interesting night, but by the time we were quite tired and the people there were a little strange. Next day by bus to Barcelona (my first time in that city) and then we rented a car to come back home. Yesterday I arrived home, this morning normal life, talk with my project director, look for a job, talk about phd (yes, I am thinking about studying phd) and come back to old things.
Now I feel that my Erasmus finished, I just want to say thank you to everyone who shared with me this year. I do not like to say names because for sure I'll forget someone, but I have to so thanks to all my neighbours, to my Czech and Slovak friends (guys, I became a little Czech after this year), to Krisi, to Elena, Natalia and Cristina, to Marcos and Sarita, to Faik (finally we did not meet in Krakow fucker :P), to all Spanish and Portugues friends, to waterparties (porque me encanta radiohead :P), of course to Tomas, Marius, Asta and all mentors, to all of you friends, thank you one thousand times =) (and sorry because I did not put all names of really good friends I did this year)
See you soon, without Lada but see you =)

3 comentarios:

  1. no me lo puedo creeeerrrrrr, despues de casi me creo que el coche podia de verdad llegar a casa.... va y se jode!!!!! no puede ser ;) bueno al menos habeis llegado a casa, animo con futuros proyectos

  2. ya ves tia...yo tampoco confiaba nada al principio, y justo cuando creia que de verdad ibamos a llegar a casa, se jode...pero bueno, no me puedo quejar, ha sido un viaje genial :P
    Un besote Irati y pásalo muy bien este verano =D

  3. joooooo, me he quedado sin lada fiesta!!! una pena. Por cierto, a ver si hablamos.

    supongo que hariais ceremonia de defuncion no?

