martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

day 4

My fourth journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today Pablo joined me, well, yesterday in the afternoon to be precise. He didn't want to miss my demonstration of stupidness loosing my wallet. I still wanna shaut when I remember those 15 minutes until I found it again.
Today the journey was tough again, it wasn't supposed to be that hard but it was.
First of all, we didn't want to do it through the road because it was big one and we are young to die :P, so we took another way through the mountains. It was 10 Km extra and it was all the time going up and down the hills. We found a couple in our way, I think the guy wanted to impress us or something, so he was going a bit fast, after 5 minutes I told Pablo that this rithm was too fast for me, after 10 minutes we had to go up the hill and his wife wasn't able to follow him anymore...GOOD JOB ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He really impressed us, but the result was him and his wife 10 minutes after us at the top of the hill and our legs more tired with no reason.
We wanted to have lunch in astorga and afterwards cover the last 20 Km, finally we decided to have lunch at our goal, huge mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! During those 20 Km we had to overcome a slope which leaded us from 800m high to 1200m high. We had face wind, a really strong one. Summarizing, it took almost 2 hours to make it and Pablo was as exhausted as I was (That makes me happy because today was his first journey and that means that I recover pretty well at nights).


well, I'll explain, what I wrote here is crazy and I don't think I wanna share with everyone, so I'll rewrite it.
Again a long story in few words...

Truth is that for me (as for many people) there are two paths, one is the actual one, I have fun, I think about the bike, it is adventure...etc. But there is a second path, a path inside myself, and somehow I made both through =D

enough crap for today... see you all in my crazy world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ps: Today I broke 3 (not 1, not 2....3!!!!!!) air chambers of my wheels. I don't have any extra more. It seems someone up there does not like me so much :P

ps2: I forgot it, but I'll add it the middle of the country, 6 km far from the closest city we found this hipie guy, he gives drinks for free to people, you can give him some money if you wanna help but it's free =D
I drunk two natural juices and lemonade...people are even crazier than I am...I love them!!!!!! I attache picture of his "store"
when we left he told us...have a good life guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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